
the honks of the clown

procrastination!! (apr-23-2024)
puppets (feb-6-2024)
winter (jan-29-2024)
talking to people?? wow,,,, (jan-27-2024)
tea my beloved (jan-21-2024)
contemplation (jan-16-2024)
life is inch resting (jan-14-2024)
oug,,,, (jan-7-2024)
AGGA- (jan-6-24)
first! (jan-5-24)

finally making my neocities site seem a bit more complete than it has been for the nearly 4 year i've had it! also finally giving mysef a proper "blog" section :P . wasn't sure how to go about implementing this, but settled on just using a snippet from sadgrl that keeps it limited to a single page. even though it can be frustrating at times (especially with centering,,,,,,), coding can be pretty fun!


i seem to get this way about writing in general for some reason. whenever i try to sit down and just write, the words just,,,, leave my head. i wanna get down some key info for my first shrine before i start more coding for it so i have a basic understanding of how i'm gonna space stuff out for my roommates shrine. there's a lot i want to cover (some canon stuff and some goofy stuff i thought up while i was out driving yesterday) and i wanna try my best to cover all my bases before i get too far ahead of myself and potentially burn out in the process.

pretty sure the air pressure has finally gotten to my sinuses, been hurting for the past few hours. on the bright side, i got the placeholder images for the gallery homepage replaced with some original artwork! finally starting to get outta this art block i've been in for a bit. hopefully i'll feel better tomorow.

so, life has been interesting. started my second semester of college, celebrated my mom's birthday, helped rebuild a discord server, helped destroy another server. been inch resting! also i'm finally getting out of my art block (thank god), not quite sure about posting some stuff i've made here or not tho.

contemplating whether or not to go to class once again. it's not common for us to have weather conditions that could impact me getting to classes in such a short period of time, but i'm kinda worried about going across the bridge and it being icy. with last week's weather, it ended up being a severe weather threat that got downgraded the day of. with today though, it's cold enough for there to have been ice on the bridge from the rain last night. not helping is the fact that the high is 36 BLOODY DEGREES (fahrenheit, that'd be 2.22 celcius for everyone else). it's not even above 30 now. with my parents electing to let my sister stay home for the second time in a row, maybe i can get away with staying home for today.

i love tea. i love hot tea. such a nice thing for the bitter cold days like this. the wind may suck but at least i can get a cheap hot black tea and warm my soul. i think i'll get some more tea sometime this week, maybe i'll finally go to the asian supermarket and see what teas they may have there. who knows? i have to get through class first lol

got in contact with someone i find pretty neat the other day! i'm not the best at talking to others, but i'm hoping to get better at it! maybe if i find more music to send him,,,,

is it normal to feel like ass during the winter or is it just me?

been thinking about learning how to do puppet rigging in flash, unsure if i'll have time for it currently though

i can no longer bring myself to do classwork for school currently so i decided to check back in on this and update it some! i'll do the shrines eventually i swear, it just takes a buncha brainpower for me to make new css/html from scratch and i want the shrine pages to look unique. also i *might* try to add a different page for longer blogs and a gallery for writings? unsure yet, but maybe!

also you miiiiight be seeing a roommates short animated by me in a few months :3c i'll have to make it through my exams first though,,,,,,,,,,

(click on a link in the box above to see a blog entry! entries are sorted by most recent blog entry/reverse-chronological order. there's no particular theme to these blog entries, they're basically just life updates or stream-of-conscious rambles :P . happy reading!)
